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Scholarship & Award Information for Students


This financial scholarship is designed for individual students who believe in making the world a better place by serving/volunteering locally. Or, as John Lennon said, "Think globally, act locally."

Are you interested in caring for a local bike path, regularly assisting local firefighters, volunteering with K-12 students, or donating time at the local hospital or museum? Do you have an idea that uses your interests to help the Merced community?

The applications open each year on February 1st to all sophomores, juniors and seniors who have at least a 2.5 GPA and who plan to be enrolled full time for the following academic year. All second-year and above students may apply, including seniors who will be continuing at least one more semester. Scholarships range from $1,000 to $5,000 each, and three to five applicants are selected each year.

Awardees are chosen based on voluntary service off campus, in the local community. Students describe their volunteer project and how it benefits the community. To apply, go to, which will take you to the log-in screen, where you can start answering the questions. Once you answer the questions, you will then be led to the scholarship application if you match the criteria. 



This financial award is designed for UC Merced student organizations who regularly provide services/assistance to the off-campus community in Merced County. Does your club offer your members a variety of service opportunities for people or places over the course of the school year?  Does your organization offer service benefits such as short workshops on a needed topic or development of leadership skills to your on-campus community?

The UC Merced Friends Circle Organization Award Scholarship applications become available each February. There could be as many as three undergraduate organizations and one graduate organization selected from applicants. Awards are presented to winners at the UFC Annual Scholarship and Awards Reception in May. APPLY HERE.   

You can view a list of past scholarship recipients and organizations on the bottom half of this page: