Snacks for Scholars is a semesterly event that began in the fall of 2021 and has already served 1600+ students. It is held on campus for two days each semester shortly before finals -- one day on the Academic Walk on the "lower" half of campus, and one day on Scholars Lane, near the library. During those days, all UC Merced students from first year students to graduate students are invited to stop by and grab a snack on their way to study for finals! They will find a wide variety from fresh fruit to salty snacks to heatable treats like popcorn, varying each day.
The SPRING 2024 dates will be Tuesday and Wednesday, April 30 and May 1, from 11:30am to 1:30pm, or until the food rins out. We will be on Scholars Lane in front of the Library on Tuesday and then on the Academic Walk on Wednesday. We hope to feed approximately 1500 students over the two days! UFC members are invited to volunteer for this event in Spring. Come interact with the wonderful UC Merced students! Email if you are interested, or sign up at the April Luncheon.